Thursday, March 31, 2011

Empowering opportunity for you: CASTING CALL for SCHOOL COURT - a new tv reality show!

Here's a unique empowering opportunity for youth around Maryland - SCHOOL COURT, a new television reality show, is hosting an open casting call (audition) for its new program, set to air on FOX Baltimore Channel 206 or if you have digital channels, FOX Baltimore Digital 45.2.

SCHOOL COURT is looking for kids in grades 3-12 for its weekly television reality show (entertainment purposes only) featuring local students preparing and arguing court cases in an actual courtroom – and yes, a judge will be present to determine who wins!

The show is a ‘reality show’ in that students will actually have to prepare their cases (plaintiff and/or defense), with some professional guidance, to be presented on television. Some students will also be cast as jury members, those be accused, and other court positions.

SCHOOL COURT will broaden a student’s mind and personal performances by increasing their abilities to communicate, prepare, present, and debate in front of a live audience. It will also develop research and writing skills.

SCHOOL COURT will take place on a local, state, and eventually a national championship level.

Are you ready for the challenge? Do you want to be featured on television and possibly win the championship?!

Email for more information and for your audition time:

Casting Call: Saturday, May 14th, 2011
Location: Baltimore, MD (exact location to be released when you confirm your attendance at the casting call via email)

Auditions will be held in two sessions - 
(1) 9am-12pm (everyone in this session will arrive at 9am for a brief information session and then will go into auditions)
(2) 1pm-4pm (everyone in this session will arrive at 1pm for a brief information session and then will go into auditions)
* After you email to express your interest, you will be given a pre-determined audition time, based on your age, region, etc.

*Bring a copy of your most recent report card/transcript and a parent!

Taping of the program and training of the students will begin immediately after participants are casted. Please be aware that “School Court” will require a summer commitment for those casted.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Meeting Senator Barbara Mikulski - Celebrating Women's History Month!

On Sunday, March 20th, I had the privilege of celebrating Women's History Month with US Senator (from Baltimore, Maryland) Barbara Mikulski. Senator Mikulski and I graduated from the same high school (ok, not the same year but...) - The Institute of Notre Dame in Baltimore. Let me tell you, Senator Mikulski is one of our claims to fame at IND - we are so proud of the work she has done! Oh and don't forget that the first female speaker of the house - Nancy Pelosi - is also a proud IND graduate!

Senator Mikulski is the longest-serving woman in the US Senate and she discussed "Women of the Senate: Making History, Changing History". It was just an honor to be in her presence, as she discussed the issues that our country faces, the future female leaders of our nation, and what she is doing in the Senate about the "macaroni and cheese issues," not just the macro issues (you had to be there!). 

Also worth mentioning is that Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, the only "chief of staff" in Maryland was in attendance (all of the other County Executives or Mayors in the state are male). She answered some questions and really put a nice touch on the event!

I am proud to say that Senator Mikulski graduated from IND and that she is a force to be reckoned with in the US Senator. She truly inspires future female leaders, like myself...especially considering that my Bachelor's is in Political Science and International Relations! =)

I am so glad that I took part in Women's History Month! Let me know what you did!  

With the Senator - all smiles after we chatted about IND!

I was sitting a bit back, but on the far left is Mayor Rawlings-Blake and in the red (right) is Senator Mikulski.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

CCBC Women's Expo - Supporting Female Entrepreneurs in Maryland!

I had the honor of attending the 10th Annual Women's Expo at CCBC Catonsville on Sunday, March 13th, 2011. The expo, March 10th-March 13th, marked four days of female empowerment, friendship, and networking at CCBC Catonsville; the event theme was "Women In Wellness". It's events like these that make me proud to be a woman of Baltimore County!

While at the event, I had the opportunity to meet Ms. Ginny Robertson, of Ginny Robertson LLC. Talk about an amazing connection! I've read about her networking and female empowerment events through her magazine that I pick up bi-monthly at my local library - "On Purpose Woman - Living a Richer, Fuller Life"...she is truly inspiring; she really understood my platform: "Empowering You" a leadership and self-development program for youth. I see some great things should be a great partnership!

Also at the event, I learned about Live Your Dream TV. I'm proud to say that you should will be seeing me on their featured programming very soon! I hope to discuss my platform, pageantry (its goals and values, my coaching business, and more) and the Miss America organization, as I am currently Miss Urbana 2010. Live Your Dream TV is like a home on the web for entrepreneurs - oh yea, perfect fit! Keep an eye out for me on here very soon, we hope to record my interview this week sometime! (

One event this week and it was a total networking success. I've never felt so empowered or encouraged to go out and meet women in business. There really are some exciting things ahead for me, so I hope you stay tuned to my blog! Who knows where you'll be seeing me next!

This is me, proudly standing at the entrance.

Ginny Robertson and I at her table.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Natalie Jobity, President of Elan Image Management, helped me unleash my inner style icon!

I just wanted to give a special shoutout to Natalie Jobity of Elan Image Management - on Saturday, Feb 19th, 2011, Natalie, a professional image consultant, spoke to a small group of women about being their own style icon, unleashing their fabulous side, and delivering the best presentation of themselves...starting with their attire!

I was honored to be sitting in audience as she interacted with the crowd, signed copies of her book "Frumpy to Fabulous", and as she graciously donated a portion of the event's proceeds to the scholarship fund for Distinguished Young Women of Greater Baltimore.

Natalie - thanks for such an amazing event and thanks for signing my book copy!


Davi Dance Academy performs for 800+ Girl Scouts at "Thinking Day" 2011 at the Baltimore Arena!

On February 20th, 2011 my two dance groups (of Davi Dance Academy) were featured as performers for "Thinking Day 2011". We considered it such a great honor to (1) perform for over 800 people and (2) perform at the Baltimore Arena!

Davi Dance Academy members performed 'on the green' to "Naach Mere Naal", "Yamla Pagla Deewana", "Rang Rasiya" and "Baby". We really enjoyed ourselves! Our video is soon to be uploaded, but scroll down below to see a few pics of us signing autographs at our table and with a few girl scouts from various troops!

Congratulations to the Girl Scouts of Central Maryland for putting on such a wonderful youth empowerment event! I am so proud to be connected with your organization, as it links with my personal pageant platform of youth empowerment. Kudos!

Note: I will be offering Bollywood dance classes with the Girl Scouts starting this week! Get registered today! Flyer below; contact Sherry:


I was featured as an instructor of Bollywood dance this past weekend! Thanks National Dance Association! =)

This past weekend I had the honor of being chosen to teach Bollywood and Classical Indian dance for the National Dance Association's event: "Our World, Our Dance". I was invited by Karen Smith, who I have previously worked with at the Maryland Dance Festival (where I also taught and performed).

I enjoyed my experience teaching students of various dance backgrounds about my culture, the art of performance, and about Indian cultural dancing as a whole. Below I have attached some videos from the weekend of the classes I taught and songs I featured. Please note: I do not claim any rights to the songs used, but I do claim the choreography.

You can see more of my dance groups at our website: or visit on at . We are also on facebook: "Davi Dance Academy".

Take a look at the videos below and let me know what you think! =) Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Meet Senator Barbara Mikulski - Enoch Pratt Free Library

The Enoch Pratt Library in Baltimore, MD will be hosting Senator Barbara Mikulski on Sun Mar 20th. She is the longest serving female in the US Senate and is one of the US Senators from Maryland.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to hear Senator Mikulski speak! Come celebrate Women's History Month with her!

Support the Red Cross of Central Maryland

Hi everyone!

I wanted to post this wonderful upcoming event, with the hope that you will participate!

On Saturday, March 5th from 8am-10am, the Red Cross of Central Maryland will be making history, as it forms a human "Red Cross". The event will highlight Red Cross Month, which is celebrated annually throughout the country.

For more information (or to register to participate in this event) please click the link below...I will definitely try to be there, hope to see you there too!

American Red Cross of Central Maryland - News & Events - News/Press Release