Thursday, May 12, 2011

"Empowering You" platform event/appearance: Working with the City of Baltimore, Office of the Mayor for Work Development!

Youth empowerment is my passion - I think I've made that clear through this blog! =) Consequently, when presented with the opportunity to speak with youth from Baltimore City about developing their resume and interview skills, I jumped on board!

On May 6th, I visited youth at the Verizon building in Hunt Valley and we had a blast! We had the opportunity to go over resumes (I prepared a booklet to hand out), interview skills, individual presentations, and we did a few fun mock interviews. The kids were really excited - everyone got a new perspective on the interview room (panel interviews vs. individual interviews), what makes a eye-catching or appealing resume, how to highlight their skills both when asked and on the resume and much more!

These are the types of activities I love to be involved with - I'm all about youth empowerment! I hope you join me in future empowerment endeavors...I'm just getting started!

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