Monday, March 19, 2012

BMore Healthy Expo!

I was doing double duty as Miss Baltimore and as the Producer and Host of School Court TV ( this past weekend at the 2012 BMore Healthy Expo at the Baltimore Convention Center. The event grouped together every possible type of healthy related organization (and a few others) and put them all together in a free to attend event on St. Patrick's Day...and what an extravaganza it was!

I made a ton of memories from this weekend; the event was health-related, so I had the opportunity to chat with people of all mental capacities and societal backgrounds. I was inspired by the number of people that came out and enjoyed the event with their groups AND I was inspired by the number of people that brought their children to the event! More specifically, a good number of parents, I noticed, are teaching their children about what it means to be physically, mentally, and socially healthy. Kudos to everyone who brought their kids out - you are teaching them valuable life lessons and I am so proud to have been part of your experience!

I encourage each of you to take your health a bit more seriously. We're in March 2012 now - how are your new year's health resolutions coming along!? Think about it...and encourage those around you to make positive changes in their lives as well...


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Platform in action!

Tonight we wrapped up SEASON TWO of SCHOOL COURT TV - a youth development program that empowers youth to grow and develop their communication, leadership, and critical thinking skills. This program is, literally, my platform in action. Had it not been for me being inspired to help youth grow and develop into more confident individuals...I don't think this program would have come into existence.

I started this TV show, with the help of my family, a little more than one year ago and we immediately picked up by our local FOX network. Today, I am thrilled to say that we are seen on numerous channels in Baltimore County, Baltimore City, Harford County, Anne Arundel County, and soon Prince George's County as well. We are on a roll! Thank you to all of the School Court TV and Empowering You are really helping me making a difference through my platform program!

I am exceptionally proud to serve as the Producer and Host of this youth empowerment TV show...but more importantly, I am proud to serve as what I like to call..."the keeper of all details"/"Chief Everything Officer" of School Court TV. I am inspired by these youth - they let me know that my work and passion is worth something. I am so proud of them...and I am excited about the impact I am having around our state as Miss Baltimore. Perhaps I can do it as Miss Maryland?? ;)    ( for more on that....)

Here are some photos from tonight's taping with Judge Marcella Holland of the Circuit Court of Baltimore City...she had a blast and the student attorneys loved her!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Crowned Miss Baltimore 2012!

Yes, it is official...I am Miss Baltimore 2012!

What an honor! I am so proud and excited to represent my hometown at this year's Miss Maryland pageant, to be held June 17th-June 23rd in Hagerstown. I will be competing for the honor of becoming Miss Maryland, to represent our beautiful state at Miss America. Wow...just wow!

Here are a few photos from the crowning; I will post things about my year as it progress (yes, many calls were made and emails were sent today to get things running)!

If you're interested in having your child (boy or girl) help me represent Baltimore as my official PRINCE or PRINCESS during this year, please check out this link to become an official Miss Maryland Prince or Princess.

Or if you're interested in sponsoring an ad for the 2012 Miss Maryland program book OR clothes/jewelry for me during Miss Maryland week or at appearances, please email me at! Or if you need a speaker for youth empowerment, anti-bullying, positive self-esteem etc or want to schedule me for an appearance, please email me at as well.

More info on Miss Maryland: