Monday, March 19, 2012

BMore Healthy Expo!

I was doing double duty as Miss Baltimore and as the Producer and Host of School Court TV ( this past weekend at the 2012 BMore Healthy Expo at the Baltimore Convention Center. The event grouped together every possible type of healthy related organization (and a few others) and put them all together in a free to attend event on St. Patrick's Day...and what an extravaganza it was!

I made a ton of memories from this weekend; the event was health-related, so I had the opportunity to chat with people of all mental capacities and societal backgrounds. I was inspired by the number of people that came out and enjoyed the event with their groups AND I was inspired by the number of people that brought their children to the event! More specifically, a good number of parents, I noticed, are teaching their children about what it means to be physically, mentally, and socially healthy. Kudos to everyone who brought their kids out - you are teaching them valuable life lessons and I am so proud to have been part of your experience!

I encourage each of you to take your health a bit more seriously. We're in March 2012 now - how are your new year's health resolutions coming along!? Think about it...and encourage those around you to make positive changes in their lives as well...


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