Thursday, July 14, 2011

"Improve and Progress" Entrepreneurial Radio Show - I did a radio interview on 06/12/11!!

While at the Think Big Baltimore conference on July 13th, I reconnected/officially met Mr. Omar Muhammad - a business consultant, radio host,  and growth coach from Morgan State University. I did an interview with Omar on his entrepreneurial radio show ("Improve and Progress") on 88.9 WEAA FM on June 12th, thanks to Ms. Cheryl Wood, my dear mentor and entrepreneurial role model.

I just realized (after we officially met today) that I should have blogged about my interview! So here is the link to the interview - I advise you to listen to the whole program (as Omar only has amazing advice and information) and to tune into his show weekly. However, if you just want to hear me, scroll over to about 46:00!

By the way, Cheryl, if you are reading this blog - thank you for continuing to be the inspiration that you are. You encourage young women (and budding entrepreneurs) like myself to challenge ourselves and think outside the box. When we first met, I had never officially "networked" at an event and it was you that gave me the courage (and somewhat of a brief outline) of how I should proceed to achieve mu goals in a room of empowered and progressing individuals. Thank you for all you do and will continue to do.

Omar on Twitter: @improveprogress
Cheryl Wood:
Cheryl on Twitter: @CherylEmpowers

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