Wednesday, July 13, 2011

THINK BIG Baltimore Entrepreneur Conference, July 2011

Today I attended a superb event for entrepreneurs, investors, and startups called "Think Big Baltimore". The event was hosted by Towson University and it was indeed a fun and exciting day, packed with networking opportunities and educational breakout sessions. Kudos to the planning team, Towson University, and all of the sponsors!

I cannot express how much fun I had at this event, as I had the opportunity to speak up and stand out (which is really what successful entrepreneurship is about - getting up and saying something to make something happen).

Our opening keynote was by one of the Democratic candidates for Mayor of Baltimore, Otis Rolley. Mr. Rolley spoke on the opportunities that the City of Baltimore can provide for entrepreneurs. Enlightened by his passion for the community, we proceeded into our daily breakout sessions. I spent my time in sessions with Norm Goldstein, a highly successful life and business coach (who spoke on "Incremental Innovation") and with Greg Cangialosi, a fellow UMBC alum (who spoke on the Stages of Bootstrapping). Both sessions - amazing! I was really impressed with Greg (and probably because we are both UMBC alum, but hey...): you often hear things like "hire slow, fire fast" or "you must fear of failure", but when you can put things into perspective so quickly and so easily...that says something. I'll be honest, I was on the younger end of the age spectrum at the event, but it's people like Greg that make attendees want to come back. Thanks for that Greg! I'll definitely be in touch!

Also, a special shout out to my dear friends Todd Crandell (former candidate for office in Baltimore County and uber-business advisor) and Keith Baird-Scott (President, Baltimore County Chamber of Commerce and Public Speaking Education Guru: - it's always great to see people you recognize and know at these events! Thanks for making my first big/serious event enjoyable! =)

Finally, a special thank you to Yanik Silver - Yanik spoke on the 11 X-Factors of Bootstrapping but deviated from his powerpoint to open the floor. I had the opportunity to speak and man, was I glad I did! I was honored to get a mini-session with Yanik, who helped me quickly put my idea into perspective and in less than 5 minutes, set up the entire room to want to be in touch with me! Thanks Yanik! ;) I hope we can work together!!  (

Ok, enough writing - some small pics from today:

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